The journey to create the Leelanau Love ~ Color on Art Book has been a transformative time for me.
I had the original inspiration last summer in August while out on a hot summer day, hiking the Old Indian Trail in the Sleeping Bear National Park.
The drawings started to take shape in the cold winter month of February. I hunkered down near the wood stove, finding heat and solace to begin this somewhat daunting project.
I reached out for guidance from a select few mentors, prayed fervently and jumped in whole-heartedly!
I became increasingly fulfilled and content as my talent was allowed to flow freely during many months of diligent effort.
I compare this creative journey to a monastery experience…one in which I was privileged to take the time to be quiet, dig deep and find that I had something special to share by way of a little gift that allows me to illustrate and design. Now, I leave the cocoon behind and fly out into the world, a different creature, ready to share.
Through this unique Color on Art Book, I have the opportunity to connect…give…love.