Making choices as an entrepreneur has generally been something that simply unfolds and is managed when the moment deems it necessary. Whether it is a source for paper, a design element or simply prioritizing my activities for a given day, it is best to keep it simple by taking on only what I know I can manage. As many of you know, my daughter Raquel Jackson of Rockwell Art & Design is my go-to girl for anything challenging in the graphic design category and is one of my favorite critics. I can always lean on her when the choices seem out of my league.
This life I have chosen is full of challenges and uncertainty. However, this offers endless opportunities of growth at every level…personally, professionally, spiritually, emotionally and even physically. All along, there have been surprising and unexpected moments filled with evolvement and joy. I prefer this road less traveled to the oft-chosen desk jobs of my past. The following quote has proved to bring me strength countless times!
This summer marks the start of my third year as Dancing Frog Press. I look forward to continued growth and opportunities that will bring out the grit & grace! There is certainly a charm to this life measured by simplicity. I do not even need to leave home to feel like I am on an adventure! Keeping life simple is key for me personally and as a business owner. Evidence: Studio 21 is a storage unit and the temporary home for Dancing Frog Press. It’s all I need!