“What do you measure your life with?”
That is the question she heard streaming through the barren branches on a crisp winter’s day while hiking through the forest.
Picturing her ruler, sitting on the drawing table at home, she started to see what might be there, in place of the 1 – 12. Well, faith is the foundation of all that I have built in my life, especially this past decade, she thought as she reached the crest of the hill and stopped to take in the view. Her breath had increased as she climbed, and glancing back she realized the hill was steeper than first perceived a few moments ago.
I certainly place high value on my family and their impact on my goals and daily life. Honesty, simplicity, compassion, embracing the present moment, impacting my fellow man, courage…these calibrations were coming quickly now as her body warmed with exertion.
“Sometimes I think of it as a filter,” she heard herself speaking aloud. The sound of her own voice brought her out of the deep pondering just in time to see two white tail deer moving quickly away from her. She smiled at the sight and continued on down the trail.
When I pour the cooked pasta through the colander and drain out the water, I see in comparison how I process many thoughts throughout the day, in the very same manner. I guard my thoughts and heart this way, by holding on to the things of value, and discarding the portion that does not serve me. Or, better yet, the filter can be in place even before I allow certain things to enter my cranium!
Hmmm, measuring my life, taking stock, re-evaluating, taking a step back, digging deep, pausing to breathe, these are the tools that I use to measure the values…the words that replace the numbers on the measuring stick, she mused to herself as she began to slow her pace.
Drawing near the end of the trail, she uttered a prayer to her Creator, “Please help me to be wise in the way I measure my life, and place importance where it should be placed, and to not take myself too seriously, to be able to give and impact my fellow man in my small and simple fashion; and most importantly to always acknowledge and give thanks to you my Creator and Lord.”