As an entrepreneur, I have learned to live with uncertainty. This goes without speaking for those who have traveled this road, but it has not been an easy journey. I have adjusted well to this unknowing and am forging ahead living this highly desired lifestyle.
As many of you know, my faith is a solid infrastructure that gives me strength, hope and peace. This along with the grit and grace that have grown exponentially since the birth of Dancing Frog Press, I find sustenance that far exceeds anything of monetary value.
Speaking of money…I recently said to my CPA that I have never been this poor, but that I have never been this happy. My business has grown each year and is moving toward sustainability, but more than that, it has given me opportunities to dig deep and find ways to be creative and give and love and connect with my community. By choice, I am part of a multi-generational lifestyle, under one roof with Raquel, Jackson, Abraham and Levi. Living with my entrepreneurial daughter and son-in-law and their two boys feels like someone just iced my cake! And to top that off…Jackson’s business is Jackson Station Livestock Company, and this vegetarian is eating some amazing meat these days! Therefore, “being this poor,” is only from a perspective of little consequence.
My son Mike & his wife Katie live down state, which feels entirely too far away, however, their lives are also filled with hard work, school, music, dogs, friends and a soon-to-be-born baby boy!
We live with love & grace every day, getting through the tough moments, dusting the dirt off when we face-plant and heading back into the arena with our best vulnerable selves and each other.
The tag-line for Dancing Frog Press means everything to me, because without being able to connect and give and love, I would show up empty and sad.
I am rich with a life filled with so much grace and love and joy that my words are simply not adequate to express.
mike keck says
Char, this was enjoyable to read of the growth in your business, you personally and the rest of the gang. .kecker
char says
Thanks Kecker! It has been a fantastic journey indeed! I appreciate you taking the time to check out my blog. Love to you and the girls!