It was the kind of iconic moment that you seldom experience, or only hear about from a friends anecdote. My 5 year old grandson Abraham was working in the yard with his Papa and younger brother on this spring’s first warm day. Abraham came running down the hallway to my studio and handed me a little birds nest that he and Papa found.
“Mush, I think you would like to keep this and maybe you could draw a little birdie, cut it out and put it in the nest!” I was thrilled by the gift of the nest, no doubt. I was doubly elated by his idea, knowing it is what both he and I value…that of quality time spent together in a creative endeavor.
We found just the right illustration in the Dancing Frog Press digital storage files, sized it appropriately, printed and cut it out. In the meantime, we researched chickadee’s, to see if this was going to be a girl or boy bird. We found out that the Mama sits on the eggs and tends the baby birds, while the Papa brings her food.
Next we went through my Lake Michigan stone collection and he selected a few that looked like our chickadee’s eggs. We placed her in the nest and set her on the window sill in the kitchen.
It was a rather magical experience that was filled with tender love, several high-fives and more than one hug.
Thanks for being such an awesome Mush and local artist!
It is with humble pleasure and gratitude that I am my Favorite Guy’s Mush!